Akademie der Naturwissenschaften
The Quantum Atom at 100 - Niels Bohrs Legacy
Donnerstag 21. November 2013,
um 09:00 Uhr
Campus St. Georgenplatz, Aula, Winterthur
Diese Veranstaltung wird von der Akademie der Naturwissenschaften im Rahmen ihres 193. Jahreskongresses SCNAT 2013 durchgeführt. Sie dauert zwei Tage vom Do 21. bis Fr. 22. November (Programm). Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Veranstaltung in Winterthur stattfindet. Aus der Beschreibung: The Congress is dedicated to commemorate Bohr's strike of genius 100 years ago and to pay tribute to its impact on parts of the development of physics and its applications that followed from it. Twelve distinguished speakers will cover a selection of different topics. A public evening lecture, given in German, will address some particular characteristics of quantum mechanics. In July 1913, the Philosophical Magazine published Niels Bohr's article "On the Constitution of Atoms and Molecules". In this work the first model of an atom based on the introduction of a then new quantity, the elementary quantum of action, was presented and discussed (...) Bohr acted as one of the figureheads in reforming the physical understanding of nature by using the concept of energy quanta (...) This concept continues to serve as the basis of the physical understanding of nature up to this day. The Symposium brings together researchers from all fields and is also open to the public and people who share an interest in science and physical sciences.
Web: www.kongress13.scnat.ch