PGZ, SPG, Fachvereine
Careers for Physicists
Dienstag 25. Oktober 2011,
um 16:00 Uhr
ETH Zentrum, HG F3
Physiker an der Arbeit (Oelsuche in Voitdorf/AT, Bild Quirin Keeris)
What are physicists doing in their professional life? The area, where physicists are working, is wide! Four experienced professionals will present their careers and possible options for physicists, who want to work in their field. After these initial presentations, you will have the possibility to discuss with them in person and get your questions answered during an apero. Participants Adrian Honegger | Co-Head of IT, Baloise Insurance | Marc von Waldkirch | Vice President Research and Development, Sensirion | Rolf Kaufmann | Project Manager, CSEM Zürich | Kai Hencken | Scientist, Corporate Research, ABB Switzerland Ltd | Organizer The event is jointly organized by - Swiss Physics Society,
- Physikalische Gesellschaft Zürich,
- Fachverein Mathematik und Physik,
- Fachverein Physik,
- Fachverein Physik, Mathematik und Versicherungswissenschaften,
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