Dr. Tobias Donner
ETH Zürich
Quantum Crystals of Matter and Light
Donnerstag 18. April 2024,
um 19:30 Uhr
ETH Hauptgebäude Hörsaal HG G5, Rämistrasse 101 und Live Stream über Zoom (Link via e-Mail)
An artificial quantum world of atoms and light: Atoms (red) spontaneously arrange themselves in a checkerboard pattern as a result of the complex interplay between short- and long-range interactions (ETH Zürich)
Exposing a many-body system to external drives and losses can fundamentally transform the nature of its phases, and opens perspectives for engineering new properties of matter. How such characteristics are related to the underlying microscopic processes is a central question for our understanding of materials. A versatile platform to address it are quantum gases coupled to the dynamic light field inside an optical resonator. This setting allows to create synthetic many-body systems with cavity-mediated long-range atom-atom interactions. If these are sufficiently strong, the system undergoes a structural phase transition to a supersolid crystal of matter and light, which we study in real time. In a second set of experiments, we make use of the cavity-mediated interaction to induce the formation of pairs of correlated atoms. We demonstrate that this process is based on the amplification of vacuum fluctuations.